Monday, January 23, 2017

My Bestfriend Miasia

      My Best friend Miasia
      She was only 14 when she died, dead in my arms all the tears and the cries. Screaming for help but felt like nobody wanted to help. I reached down in my pocket called the police, her parents and my mom. It was crowds everywhere sounding me while I held her. I remember her last words “I love you and tell my mom and dad I love them too,” tears coming out my eyes like a waterfall drowning myself. I couldn’t believe God took my best friend away from me two days before her birthday and our graduation.
     I met her when I was five, I was attending Beidler Elementary. Early one morning my mom bought me some juice and chips. I walked into class and my teacher Ms.James introduce us to a new student, Miasia Johnson, I never knew she was going to be my best friend. During lunchtime that day she apple slices and I wanted some so I took one of her apple slices. “Hey! What are you doing?” she said, “ I’ll give you some chips and juice for it.” She said “Okay.” Ever Since that day we were closer than ever. Miasia has always been there through my weakest and strongest points. In the 2nd grade she was the strongest person I knew. She was there when I was told that I wasn’t going to be able to walk due to me being underweight. She was very supportive. For example I had to drink them nasty drinks to gain weight and she would drink them with me to make me feel better. She taught me that everything would be okay if you have a true friend there with you. I did the same for her in the fourth grade when she broke her leg, I fell down a hill and fractured my leg so we would be together and so I can support her like she did for me when I was sick. Miasia was always the brave one in 5th grade I was being bullied and she always stood up for me like she was my protector. She taught me how to stand up for myself. 6th grade was the most important year in our friendship. That year she taught me about being true to myself. I had always felt like I needed to change to fit in but she always told me “ If everyone was the same how would you be special?” We hit a rock bottom we got into a huge fight and didn’t talk for weeks. I always knew she was stubborn that’s why I loved her. 7th grade went by fast. I never knew 8th grade year was going to be the worst year for us both. We fought almost everyday she made me feel like we might be growing apart. We was arguing over how her boyfriend was using her and she felt like I was jealous. I wasn’t I wanted to protect her from getting hurt like she would do for me. I felt like she didn’t want to trust me and she was picking him over our friendship. She made me feel like I was nothing, like all we had was gone.It was weeks before we decided to try to talk things out. It felt like months not talking to her especially when we lived next door, had all the same class and even sat next to each other at lunch. We would be right next to each other and not say a word. Oh my god I knew we both was stubborn but we both knew it was time to fix things. We yelled,cried and laugh when we was talking. We made a promise to never let someone tear us apart. I guess looking back that distance made us closer. The not speaking and talking to each other showed how much we needed to be together. After so long of not talking when we finally did we taught each other how to talk out our problems. Befor then we didn’t know how to talk to each other. All we did was yell and scream at one another. Due to us being afraid to lose each other so we control our voices and had a normal conversation. That brought us closer because we learned out to communicate.  We were finally back close and closer than ever. She told me “Our friendship is more important than anything we are forever best friend, I love you.” I started to tear up because I’ve got my bestie back. “I love you more.” The next week I didn’t know it would be last day I see my best friend. “ We gon be late for school come on!” she yelled. “Here I come.” So we walking down the street on our way to school talking about high school and all the people we going to meet. Boom! We hear gunshots and see a black car i grab my bestfriend. I go into shock she’s bleeding I grab her I’m holding her hand she lying in between me. I’m crying yelling for help. She bleeding uncontrollably she mumbling, she was only 14 dying in my arms. I call police , her parents and my mom.I hear people screaming but not helping. I couldn’t believe god took my bestfriend away. Her last words “ I love you and tell my moms and dad I love them too.” She closed her eyes. I’m drowning in tears “She’s dead they took my best friend.” We sat out there for hours. I never saw her dad cry before. I couldn’t believe she was gone forever. I had nightmares about it, about her. I felt like it was my fault. I wanted God to take us both why he didn’t take me too? Months turned into years I started high school without her. I had problems and deaths I had to deal with by myself. I’m 17 now looking back on those years I wish my bestfriend was here. I wish I can call her and tell her about my first boyfriend, first heartbreak, first everything. I really wanted my best friend with me. She taught me a lesson she’s never gone she in my heart and because of her I’m proud of the person she helped me be.

1 comment:

  1. omg,so emotional and i felt like i was feeling the same thing you went thru, thru you. i liked it a lot and you guy's friendship was beautiful. :)
